On this page you will find commonly used forms to apply for and manage DD services. If you have questions about what is on this page, please email us at
Billing Manuals
Rate Tables
Tier Packages
- FY25 Annual Funding Levels (Tier Package) in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF)
- FY24 Annual Funding Levels (Tier Package) in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF)
Purchase Order Templates
- FY24 Purchase Order Template (xlsx)
- FY23 Purchase Order (xlsx)
- Home Health Agency Purchase Order (xlsx)
Allocation Forms
Important Notice for All Forms
Please do not use a highlighter on records. When records are uploaded, the highlighted information is actually grayed out which makes it more difficult to read. The Division thoroughly reads all records but if you feel you must highlight something, please just put an asterisk (*) near the relevant information.
DDD Eligibility Forms
- Visit the DDD Eligibility webpage
Medicaid Waiver Application
Have Medicaid or SSI
- Application Coversheet (PDF)
- Blank Recertification (PDF)
- CP-1 Eligibility Assessment Level of Care (PDF)
- CP-12 Form (Word)
- Release of Information - Medical (DHS-25-M) (PDF)
- Release of Information (DHS-25) (PDF)
Do not already have Medicaid
ISP Template
Individualized Planning Tools
- DD ISP Submission Requirements (PDF)
- ISP Addendum/Amendment Form (PDF): Please submit this form with any changes to a current ISP or PO.
- Emergency Data Form (PDF): Be sure to send any personal information through an encrypted or secure email
- NCAPPS Promising Practices for Person-Centered Plans (PDF): read this booklet to learn more about what a good person-centered plan looks like
Employment Forms
- Employment and Earnings Reporting Form (web form)
- Targeted Employment Funding Request Form (web form)
- Targeted Employment Plan Form (PDF)
Variance Forms
Forms and Rubrics
- CFCM 1-Month Monitoring Form 2024 (PDF)
- CFCM 6-Month Monitoring Form 2024 (PDF)
- CFCM/IF Annual Life Domains Form (PDF)
- CFCM/IF Roles and Responsibilities (PDF)
- CFCM/IF Plan Review Rubric (PDF)
- Pre-Planning and Quality Review Rubric (PDF)
- CFCM/IF Creating A Personal Profile (PDF)
- CFCM/IF Life Domains - Part 1 (PDF)
- CFCM/IF BHDDH Case Manager Introduction Letter (Word)
- CFCM/IF Intro Letter Spanish (Word)
- CFCM/IF DD Meeting Confirmation Letter with WS Merge Codes (Word)
- CFCM/IF DD Meeting Confirmation Letter with Other Invitees WS Merge Codes (Word)
Note: Adobe Reader
To fill-in a PDF application on your computer, you will need Adobe Reader software installed on your computer. There is no cost to install Adobe Reader and is available here.
You may also print the application, fill it out and mail to the BHDDH, Division of Developmental Disabilities, 6 Harrington Hall, Cranston, RI 02920.