Governor's Council On Behavioral Health
The Rhode Island Governor's Council on Behavioral Health is the State's behavioral health planning council. It was established by both federal and State law to review and evaluate the needs and problems associated with Rhode Island's services for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.
The Council promotes and monitors the development, coordination, and integration of state-wide behavioral health services. The Council also serves in an advisory capacity to the Governor and the General Assembly.
The Governor's Council has both statutory and public members. The public members may be behavioral healthcare service providers, consumers of these services, their family members, individuals in recovery from mental illness or substance use disorders, behavioral healthcare advocates or other interested parties. More than half of the members must be consumers of behavioral healthcare services, their family members, advocates or others.
The meetings are open to the public and held on the second Thursday of every month at the RI Department of Administration's 2nd floor Conference Rooms B and C from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Governor's Council on Behavioral Health Members
Please click here for a current listing of Council Members.